Heavy Metal
*Description soon / Em breve descrição*
[1985] Anthem

[1986] Tightrope

[1986] Xanadu (Single)

[1987] Bound To Break

[1987] The Show Carries On! (live)

[1988] Gypsy Ways

[1989] Hunting Time

[1990] No Smoke Without Fire

[1992] Domestic Booty

[1992] Last Anthem (live)

[2000] Heavy Metal Anthem

[2001] Seven Hills

[2002] Overload

[2002] The Voices (single)

[2003] Live' Melt Down (live)

[2004] Onslaught (single)

[2004] Eternal Warrior

[2005] Official Bootleg (live)
CD 1
CD 2

[2005] Prologue Live Boxx (live)
CD 1
CD 2
CD 3

[2006] Immortal

[2008] Heat of the Night (single)

[2008] Black Empire

*Description soon / Em breve descrição*
[1985] Anthem

[1986] Tightrope

[1986] Xanadu (Single)

[1987] Bound To Break

[1987] The Show Carries On! (live)

[1988] Gypsy Ways

[1989] Hunting Time

[1990] No Smoke Without Fire

[1992] Domestic Booty
[1992] Last Anthem (live)

[2000] Heavy Metal Anthem
[2001] Seven Hills

[2002] Overload

[2002] The Voices (single)

[2003] Live' Melt Down (live)

[2004] Onslaught (single)

[2004] Eternal Warrior

[2005] Official Bootleg (live)
CD 1
CD 2

[2005] Prologue Live Boxx (live)
CD 1
CD 2
CD 3

[2006] Immortal

[2008] Heat of the Night (single)

[2008] Black Empire

By yoshi ≈
14 comentários:
Tá muito bom! Obrigado, to pegando aki algumas coisas que faltava. Vlw!w
nuuusssaaa muito foda...vo baixar tds =)
Thank you very much for the Anthem discography! :)
sem sombra de duvidas o melhor site de metal da net, isso e certo, maravilhoso inacreditavel ate. parabens o site e fabuloso, pena q algumas capas agente nao ache na net,
pois sei q sao albuns raros , nora 1,000000 d++++ e sou old school conheço bem metal !!!!
Com certeza o melhor site do estilo!!!!!!!!
o Senev Hills tah off.....+ msm assim vlw!!!banda foda!!!o site tah show >.od
Obrigado por disponibilizar a discografia do Anthem!!!
essa banda é perfeita, grade up esse,
valeu mesmo
Os links dos albuns que estavam no badongo expiraram =/
Heavy Japa anos 80 é do caralho!
Muchisimas gracias!!!! hay muchos discos q no se pueden descargar xq dice borrados..thank you very much!!! there are a lot of albums that cannot be download..
I don't suppose there's any chance you could re-upload these albums?
IF only there was a single download for everything
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